Many-Colored Wiki

The gray torc is a ring-shaped necklace or torc with painted gray, but of unknown metal (possibly bronze?) manufactured for use by the human workers or servants in positions where their trust needs to be guaranteed, but they appear to have no significant latent metapsychic ability. When properly integrated with human mind, it allows basic metapsychic communication (limited farspeech/telepathy). However, once worn and integrated, removing the torc can cause irreparable psychic damage and madness.

Unlike the gold torc and similar to the silver torc, it has control and pleasure stimulation circuitry. A properly trained gold torc wearer can communicate with, exert control over, or give pleasure stimulation to a wearer of a silver or gray torc.


There are no known instances of a firvulag adapting to or wearing a gray torc.

Removing a gray torc[]

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A gray torc can be safely removed if a silver or gold torc is placed on the wearer before the gray torc is de-activated.

Tanu gray torc wearers[]

So far there are no known Tanu gray torc wearers. The reasons for this are not clear, but it appears that subjecting another Tanu to wearing anything other than a gold torc is considered dishonorable or shameful.

See also[]

External links[]

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